Make The Best Of An At-Home Manicure With These Hacks


Not only does maintaining and manicuring your nails take time and effort, but it also costs a lot as well. Monthly and weekly salon appointments just so your nails can look beautifully trimmed, and fashionable seems like an expensive bargain.

What if we told you, you could easily nail your at-home manicure with these awesome hacks? Keep reading to perfect you’re at-home manicure and save lots of money.

Even if you aren’t artistically blessed, these hacks will help you achieve the perfect salon trim, smooth, shiny nails, and artistic designs, colors, and shades.

Dry Your Nails Faster

Are you too impatient to let your nails dry and end up with smudged and messed-up nail paint? If yes, this hack will certainly help you.

Soak your fingertips in a bowl of icy water before painting your nails and a minute after. The polish will dry quickly due to the freezing temperature.

French Nail Polish

There are several techniques to create perfect French nails by yourself, but rubber bands are by far the best tool. Create a rubber band French manicure by following these guidelines:

  1. Coat your nails with a base coat first and let it dry completely.
  2. Create two loops on a rubber band by tying them in the middle.
  3. One loop should be placed around each fingernail, keeping the nail’s tip uncovered.
  4. Hold the other end of the loop in place with your thumb.
  5. The uncovered nail tip should be painted with white nail polish.
  6. Carefully take off the rubber band just before the polish sets.
  7. Add transparent topcoat when it has dried completely.

Use Bobby Pins For Nail Art

If you want to create a polka dot nail art, all you need is the bobby pin. Just dip the longer end into your desired nail color and design away. You can also use a bobby pin to draw tiny floral patterns as well.

Marble Nail Art

If you are interested in going the extra mile, why not try this easy-peasy marble nail art hack for an incredibly polished finish?

  1. Fill a single-use cup halfway with icy water.
  2. Pour drops of your favorite nail polish into the cup.
  3. Make a pattern by swirling a toothpick until you are satisfied with the nail polish design.
  4. Put your finger into the water’s surface and slowly draw it back out.
  5. Use a nail polish remover to clean up the mess on the skin around your nail. 

We hope these tips will come in handy, and you will not only enjoy the entire manicure process but also save your precious dollars. Another pro tip for those dreadful cuticles – you don’t need to purchase expensive cuticle oil; a bottle of baby oil will work perfectly in smoothening your cuticles and also helping your nails grow longer.

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