Travel Articles

The Mystery Behind The Vanishing Lake Of Europe

If you’re planning to visit the southwestern Slovenia region, keep your fingers crossed because you mayor may not see Lake Cerknica. It is a large intermittent lake in Europe covering 26sq km with an average depth of 6 meters. The lake appears annually on karst polje....

Don’t Worry About Diet Restrictions With All-Inclusive Gluten-Free Travel Options

What is a vacation without good food? If you, unfortunately, suffer from celiac disease or gluten allergy, then going out on a vacation might feel daunting and could make you feel apprehensive rather than thrilled. There is no telling how much gluten you will come...

Tips For Taking Better Portrait Photos When Traveling

One of the best things about traveling is that it allows you to take fantastic photos. If you're a skilled photographer, you can capture incredible moments and landscapes. However, one type of photo that can be particularly challenging to take is the portrait.Whether...

When To Splurge Or Save While Travelling In Europe

To splurge or to save; that is the question. Sticking to a travel budget is important but you should take a moment to consider whether to splurge or save on your next trip in Europe. Planning Tips For Your Next Trip Staying on budget while traveling is important to...